What Would You be able to Do to Cure Ringworm?

No one would ever want to have a skin that has patches of ringworm over it. Ringworm causes you to experience undesirable symptoms such as dry and scaly patches that have red borders. The most annoying part is when you experience itchiness. There are a lot of ringworm cures available that can ease your suffering. Ringworm cures are very helpful to solve your ringworm problem. Here are some suggestions that would help you eliminate disturbing ringworm: 

1) Consult your physician or dermatologist. It is best to consult your physician or dermatologist when you experience any characteristic signs of ringworm such as dry and scaly patches, a red border surrounding each ringworm patch, and in some cases inflammation and itchiness can occur. Seeking medical help is very important so that you will be diagnosed if you are infected with ringworms. Physicians will also help you how to cure your ringworm in the proper way.

2) Use natural ringworm remedy. Ringworm cure can be natural oil or an herbal medicine. They are effective in eliminating symptoms associated with ringworms. Natural ringworm remedy is absolutely safe and produces no side effects harmful to the body. Natural ringworm cure includes papaya slice, coconut oil, and basil leaves. You should rub gently the papaya slice over the ringworm patch. The coconut oil needs to be administered over the ringworm lesion as it makes the skin smoother and it relieves itching. Basil leaves should be pounded and mixed with water to form a fine paste. Then, apply the basil paste directly over the ringworm lesion.

3) Administer topical treatments. Topical treatments are over-the-counter medications against ringworm. You just have to apply the cream over the ringworm patch. Anti-fungal creams that contain miconazole and clotrimazole are very effective for mild cases of ringworm.

4) Take anti-fungal pills. Anti-fungal pills are indicated for severe and extensive type of ringworms. They are very potent in killing fungi that cause ringworm. Usually they are taken once a day for seven days. Anti-fungal pills include griseofulvin and itraconazole.

5) Eliminate fungal spores. Environmental disinfection is the best way to eliminate fungal spores. You just have to make bleach and water solution in 1:10 or 1:100 ratios. Then, you can use it in cleaning contaminated surfaces and areas.

6) Keep yourself clean and dry. Proper personal hygiene plays an important role in ringworm cure because a dirty and moist body promotes fungal growth. You just have to maintain a clean body, and keep yourself from getting soaked to sweat for long periods.

7) Stay away from ringworm infected persons or animals. You can contract the fungal spores from infected persons or animals. You must guard yourself from any possibilities of fungal infection or reinfection. You should not touch characteristic symptoms that appear like ringworm.

8) Observe regular hand washing. Simple hand washing prevents the spread of microorganisms including fungal spores. You need to perform proper hand washing after handling or treating your infected pet, or after treating your ringworm.

9) Never scratch ringworm lesions. Scratching ringworm lesions will allow the fungal spores to spread on to different parts of your body. It can also cause further infection. It is important to avoid scratching the ringworm patch, and use appropriate treatment that prevents itching on ringworms

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